Initial Situation
The fix costs are particularly high in aviation. Optimising the aircraft utilisation and maintenance planning can save millions of francs. With a tighter integration of the planning stages and better algorithms, the savings were significantly increased.
We convinced the management to start a reengineering project to automate the planning steps further and integrate them better into the overall planning flow. For this purpose we created a business case as well as built and demonstrated a prototype for a scheduling algorithm.
We successfully completed the development and implementation. Using a modern modular software architecture and clearly defining domains and boundaries, we significantly accelerated the software development.
As project manager and software architect we:
- Analysed the business processes and operating procedures and elicited the requirements of the stakeholders.
- Defined the approach to replace the existing modules.
- Designed the solution (software architecture, data model, functionality, user interface, interfaces).
- Co-developed automatic planning algorithms based on linear programming.
- Led a software development team.
- Implemented a new planning platform with the modules “Flight Scheduling” and “Aircraft Assignment”.
- Coordinated the testing and documentation.
- Aircraft Assignment and Reassignment
- Flight Scheduling
- Maintenance Planning
- Software Architecture
- Object Oriented Design and Development
- Operational Research
Remark: We performed the above-mentioned activities as employee at a former employer.