Initial Situation 

A railway company needed to adapt its rail and cargo planning system to the new industry requirements and ensure the operational capability of this business-critical system for the next 10 years.


As Scope Manager, we laid the foundation for successful implementation by focusing and prioritising the scope with the management on the essentials.

As Quality and Risk Manager, we bridged the gap between the agile approach of the project and the HERMES based framework of the company.


As Scope, QM and Risk Manager we:

  • Set up the agile project for a team of 20 people with the project manager, especially the procedure for business analysis, quality management, risk management and scope management.
  • Identified, evaluated and prioritized business and system requirements.
  • Defined and conducted a monthly “Project Health Check”.
  • Organised and conducted QM reviews.
  • Organised and conducted RM meetings with the internal risk manager. Identified  and evaluated main risks Defined measures and tracked their implementation.


  • Rail and Cargo Planning System
  • IBM Agile with Discipline
  • Scope Management (Backlog)
  • Quality Management
  • Risk Management

Remark: We performed the above-mentioned activities as employee at a former employer.